Stephanos' Website Launch!

Stephanos is delighted to announce our new website!
We are so pleased to announce the launch of our newly designed website!
Firstly l want to say a special thank you to Mina Hatano-Kirsch for designing our website, what a wonderful look you have created for us, we love it. I also want to thank all of our promoters around the world. Thank You! for the love and the pleasure you give to fans of Stephanos. And, Thank You! Sangeet Weissenberger in South East Asia for your amazing work with Stephanos. I am so grateful to see Stephanos’ jewelry on so many gorgeous women around the world, what a beautiful adventure we are having together. I just love being part of this with you all every day.
For as long as l remember, l have been into fashion, interior design and of course jewelry. My family are creative, mom designs and produces the most beautiful quilts which have been displayed around the world, she is currently busy with her second book. Mina my sister, is an architect, graphic designer, web designer and just simply a woman with great style and a gift for what looks amazing.
We are a very international family, l was born in the USA, moved and grew up in Tokyo and have lived and worked in Asia, Europe, and the USA. My husband grew up in the UK but has also lived and worked all over. When our first son was born in Tokyo it was a difficult birth and he was quickly diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. My husband and I decided to try various alternative treatments to help him. This was a fascinating time, traveling the world, visiting many countries, meeting wonderful people, experiencing cultures and trying the different types of therapies that were not in the mainstream. This journey ultimately empowered and emboldened me to do something more. In 2006 I gathered my thoughts, experiences and emotions and started “Stephanos” an expression of who I am, how l feel and of thanks for this life we live. I hope you love Stephanos as much as we do.
We moved to California in 2016 in the beautiful beach town, The City of Art, Laguna Beach. It’s a wonderful new home for our family, for Stephanos, our life and reaching out to the future.
I hope you fall in love with Stephanos as much as we have.
Love From
September 10th 2017
オーナー兼デザイナーであるラティマー美樹はニュージャージーで生まれ、東京育ち。母は国際的に活躍するキルトデザイナー。姉はニューヨークをベースにする建築家でありWeb designer。思い起こすと、幼少の頃より芸術、ファッションに深く興味を持って育ちました。