The Delicate Amethyst Stone

It’s violet color is so pretty and feminine. Many are attracted to how delicate it looks and what it represents. Amethyst is also known as the birthstone for the month of February.
Did you know? Amethyst is from the Greek word amethytos, the Greeks believed the stone prevented intoxication and those that possessed it would not become drunk. In fact, wine goblets were craved from it because of this very reason. The amethyst stone was considered sacred in some cultures. Tibetan monks once carved prayer beads from these beautiful stones.
Jewelry is a wonderful form of self-expression. Some choose to wear jewelry to compliment an outfit, while other choose jewelry for deeper more meaningful reasons. Consider jewelry with the amethyst stone to fulfill both of these needs. People have been wearing jewelry for thousands of years specifically for the health benefits. Once thought of to heal people and keep them cool headed, medieval soldiers incorporated amethyst in their amulets to protect them in battle. Jewelry incorporating this semi-precious stone can help even out the wearer’s temperament.
“Jewelry is a very personal thing…it should tell a story about the person’s who’s wearing it.”
– Garance Dore
I wear jewelry to add a haute look to my style. I love to add an amethyst stone bracelet to an outfit I would wear to a business meeting. It gives me extra confidence knowing that the piece adds a wow factor but also keeps my demeanor and temperament cool as I strategize my next move. It has allowed me to keep a leveled mind as I decide on next steps.
Have you worn a piece of jewelry that makes you feel empowered? Do you have a piece of jewelry that makes you feel invincible when you put it on? Tell us about it!