How To Make 2021 Your Best Year Ever!

Can you hear the collective sigh around the world? When 2020 took its final bow and the clock turned to midnight on January 1st, we were all relieved, excited, and naturally a little bit apprehensive of what’s to come in 2021. A new year is a new start, a new opportunity to transform and shape our lives. 2021 is even more symbolic of new beginnings since 2020 was the most difficult year in recent human history. While we know that a new calendar year isn’t going to eradicate the issues impacting everyone on a global scale, we also believe 2021 will be so much better than the year that preceded it. With that in mind, we’ve put together a list of suggestions that can make 2021 your absolute best year for self-care and self-improvement.
Prioritize your mental health
Mental health has been brought to the forefront over the last twelve months, with more people than ever experiencing mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. This year, check-in with yourself and pay attention not just to how you feel physically, but your mental and emotional well-being as well. Mental health is essential to our overall health, so take care of yourself in that respect. There are many resources for this, from apps to books to therapy.
Here are some to check out if you’re feeling low.
Remember to talk to your doctor if you feel you need help with your mental health.
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Clean out your closet
Why not start the new year by purging the clothing you don’t wear and donating it to a shelter or thrift store that helps people in need? Decluttering feels good, and shedding extra things you don’t need can really help you enter a better state of mind, not to mention how much better your space will feel. Treat yourself to some well-made new capsule items - timeless pieces that you know will last a long time, and that you’re confident will continue to suit your personal style. Restructuring your wardrobe is an excellent thing to do for yourself in 2021! (p.s. - accessorizing with Stephanos’ pieces can take any wardrobe to the next level!)
Reevaluate your friendships
Eliminate toxic energy and nurture your positive relationships. Surround yourself with people who treat you the way you want to be treated, who give as much as they take. Examine how each person in your life makes you feel and cut energetic ties with energy vampires. It can be difficult to let go of friendships and relationships, especially long-standing ones, but we promise that 2021 will be so much better for you if you ensure that your circle has your back and offers mutual respect.
Learn a new skill
Always wanted to take up knitting? Perhaps you’ve been wanting to learn how to garden, how to cook, or maybe even play an instrument. Whatever it is that you’ve always wished you could learn, let 2021 be the year you decide that you CAN, and go ahead and do it! When you put in the time and the effort to learn a new skill, your self-esteem will inevitably be boosted, and that’s a very good thing! Do this for yourself, and master your skill by the end of 2021. Then, you can look back and beam with pride at all your progress. Pro tip: A great way to learn from a distance is by selecting a class from Outschool, an online hub where you can take small classes from anywhere! You’ll be amazed at the variety of classes offered.
Get rid of your old makeup and start fresh
Little things can make a huge difference, and tossing out expired beauty products (or even just the ones you never use) is another great way to declutter your life. Carefully go through each piece of makeup. Get rid of anything you don’t wear, and anything that has overstayed its shelf-life. Then, spoil yourself with some new luxury makeup items. You’ll feel so much better!
Treat yourself!
Gift yourself one big-ticket item you’ve always wanted. Whether it’s that blender you’ve always thought was too pricey, a timeless piece of beautiful handcrafted jewelry (we, of course, recommend anything from our gorgeous line of pearl-focused adornments), a new car - whatever it is, if you can, reach out and grab it! Why? Because you deserve it, of course! If 2020 taught us anything, it's that self-care is paramount. Show yourself all the love you’re worthy of this year.
Start a journal
Journaling has been proven to impart major benefits to our mental health (check out this article for more on that). Documenting your experience this year will offer a memorable glimpse into your life and can help you get to know yourself better. The simple act of writing can open your imagination and creativity and can help you work out your thoughts and feelings. You don’t have to write a novel each day - even if you can devote five minutes to a daily entry, you’ll enjoy the benefits of journaling. Buy yourself a beautiful journal and maybe even some nice pens, and get writing!
Begin the year with a gratitude list
This is a simple but very effective action that will enable you to start the year on a positive note by acknowledging and calling attention to all the things you are grateful for. Sit in a comfortable place and don’t rush. Pour some tea or coffee, grab a comforting snack, and give careful thought to all the things that spark your gratitude. Read your list out loud when you’re done, and add things as you think of them. When you give thanks for the good in your life, you will soon watch in amazement as more good things come to you, as if by magic! It’s true - when you feel gratitude for the positive things, the universe can’t help but bring you more!
How will you make the new year magic?
We wish you a very happy, healthy, and safe 2021. As a token of our immense appreciation, and in celebration of the new year, we are offering 15% off any purchase with the code HAPPY2021. Happy new year! May 2021 bring you an abundance of blessings and beautiful jewelry.