Happy and healthy Mother’s Day! -Mothers Day Gifts Guide
On behalf of the Stephanos Team, who are mothers and daughters themselves, we wish you a very happy and healthy Mother’s Day. And any piece our jewelry is sure to please, as we have something for every style and all tastes. Stephanos' modern yet classic jewelry is the perfect choice. Right now we are especially in love with our new Hestia Baroque Pearl Hoop earrings. These stunning earrings feature an elegant baroque pearl which dangles daintily from lavish gold hoops, imparting a luxurious, classic vibe and giving off an irresistible glow. With our special Mother’s Day code LOVEMOM21, you can receive 20 percent off your purchase, including complimentary gift wrapping and free shipping within the US.

The best Laguna Beach shops for this holiday.

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Five ways to celebrate Mother's Day from a distance!
Mother’s Day is one of the most treasured holidays of the year. It’s a chance to show the women who raised us the appreciation they so deserve, to shower them with love, and remind them of how much they mean to us. This year, Mother’s Day is going to be very different across the globe. With quarantine orders in place all around the world, flattening the curve means we won’t be able to celebrate with our wonderful mothers in person (unless we are fortunate enough to already live with them), and that will likely leave a yearning in our hearts and the hearts of moms everywhere. But all hope is not lost, as there are myriad ways we can still honor our mothers and show them we love them this Mother’s Day from a safe distance. It just means we have to get creative and embrace a positive mindset to make the most of a strange and unique situation.
With that in mind, we’ve taken the liberty of compiling five ways you can celebrate Mother’s Day while staying at home and staying safe. Even though it means sacrificing your annual Mother’s Day brunch or a trip to the spa with your mom, doing the right thing will mean we can all be together sooner. So take heart, and remember that there are still plenty of ways to celebrate Mother’s Day this year!
By Stephanos staff writer Stephanie Deline